Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Script Drama About Dream and Friendship

Once upon time there was a student senior high school her dreams want go to Korea and Japan, but her parents are not able to realize her dream. Her name is Kazu Tamiko.
Morning in Kazu’s house
Mom: Honey, wake up still morning, later you oversleep
Kazu: Yes, mom one minutes
Mom: Wake up wake up
Kazu: Well I’m going to wake up
            After her has take a bath and wear uniform Kazu go out in the bed room. And go to kitchen for breakfast with Mom and Dad.
Kazu:   Good morning Mom and Dad
Dad and Mom: Morning my sweetie
Mom: This is fried rice for your sweetie
Kazu: Thank you mom
Dad: By the way after your finished senior high school what are you doing?
Kazu: I want to entering collage Dad and Mom
Mom: Mom and Dad whatever what do you want
Kazu: Thank you Mom Dad
Kazu: Dad Mom I went to school
Dad Mom: be careful sweetie
            In the school Kazu meet with friend. Laila, Mia, Devie and the they are sharing information about Kpop idol.
Kazu: Hello, Devie, Laila, Mia
All: Hello, Kazu
Kazu: There is homework?
All: May there isn’t
Kazu: By the way in this morning there is bad news about lee min hoo. It appears from Lee min hoo and Suzy. His dating with Suzy.
All: Yes, Kazu Lee min hoo dating with suzy
Laila: I’m so sad guys
Kazu, Devie, Mia: Patient Laila
Kazu: Dev, when B1A4 come back to stage?
Devie: May be next month
Laila and Mia: Yeah B1A4 has come back next month
All: Yeah
            Bells has ding dong ding dong…
Kazu: Come on guys we must study and realize my dream
Kazu, Devie, Laila, Mia: Yes, we must realize my dream
            Ding dong ding dong time to go home
Kazu: Come on guys lets go to my home for study UN
 Devie, Laila, Mia: Come on let’s go
After UN friend and Kazu to continue study at college. Kazu continue study at university sultan ageng tirtayasa, Devie continue study at university BSI. Mia and Laila continue study at university UI
Holiday they are meets at Rumah Kayu then they are telling about their collage and information Kpop Idol.
Kazu: Hello, guys
All: hello, Kazu
Devie: Guys, B1A4 Want to Indonesia
All: What???  B1A4 want to Indonesia
Kazu: I don’t have money
All: Me too
            Before the concert B1A4. Devi, Laila, Mia assembles at Devie’s house but Kazu doesn’t come because she lived in Serang. Kazu has prepared much money for call friend at concert. 
Devie’s telephone ring kriiiiinggg kringgg kriiiiinggg…
Devie: Hello, Kazu what happen?
Kazu: Concert has being?
Devie: Not yet
Kazu: If concert has being I will call you back
Devie: Ok
            Five minutes later Devie’s telephone calling kriiiinnnggg kriiinggg kringgg…
Devie: Hello, kazu
Kazu: Please your telephone loudspeaker
Devie: OK
All: Kazu, concert has began
Kazu: Yeah
 Kazu and All: B1A4
Kazu: So, amazing
All: Yeah
Fourth years later Friend and Kazu has finishing study at college. Kazu apply for a job at Japan and Korea  Company. Devie’s apply for a job at Arnott’s company. Laila and Mia apply for a job at SDN KUTABARU I TANGERANG. After working one year Kazu posed in the company to Japan and continue study at university KEIO and they meet at Rumah Kayu.
Kazu: Hello, guys
All:  Hello
Kazu: I miss you so much
All: Me too
Kazu: I have good news for you all
All: What?
Kazu:  I will go to Japan
All: Congratulation Kazu
Laila and Mia: When did you go to Japan?
Kazu: One week again
Devie: Do you has prepare?
Kazu: I have done
One week later at airport…
All: Kazu, we are will miss you
Kazu: I miss you all
All: don’t forget me
Kazu: I never forget you all
Kazu: Good bye my friend
All: Bye Bye Kazu  
            Arriving in Japan, give news when her has arrive in Japan to family and friend by phone. After Kazu has give news to family and friend, Kazu cleaning up the bed room, and then introduce with Japan people.
Kazu: Konnichi wa, my name is Kazu, what your name?
Mika: My name is Mika
Mika: where are you come from?
Kazu: I come from Indonesia and you?
Mika: I come from Hiroshima, what do you in here?
Kazu: I’m in here study and student at Keiko university
Mika: You’re student at Keiko University?
Kazu: Yes, Why?
Mika: Me too student at Keiko University
Kazu: If you are go to college we go to together
Mika: Yes, of course
After Kazu friend with Mika, Kazu have many friends and Mika friend like Kpop idol. And then one day the first Kazu watch concert B1A4 in Japan. One day the company calling Kazu to go Korea and one day Kazu meet B1A4 at an event. And then Kazu immediately take picture to our member B1A4.  
Kazu to Gongchan: May I take picture with you?
Gongchan: Of course
Kazu to Jinyoung: May I take picture with you?
Jinyoung: Of course
Kazu to Baro: May I take picture with you?
Baro: Of course
Kazu to Sandeul: May I take picture with you?
Sandeul: Of course
Kazu to Cnu: May I take picture with you?
Cnu: Of course
Kazu to All Member:  May I take picture with you?
All: Of course
After the meet all member B1A4 at event Kazu send photos and new album to her friends at Indonesia. Devie’s receive Baro photo, all member photo and album. Laila receive Cnu photo, all member and album. Mia receive Sandeul photo, all member and album. Kazu receive Gongchan photo, Jinyooung Photo, all member and album. And then all friends called to Kazu  phone. And say thank you Kazu. Kazu was happy because she has to be happy friendship and she dream becom true. Friendship never dies

The end

Submitted as partial fulfillment of  Drama  assignment

Submitted by:
(Nanda Putri Khalishah)


Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

cara membuat cilung atau papeda

kali ini saya akan memberikan resep dan makan khas anak-anak atau adik-adik kita yang berada di sekolahan yaitu cilung atau papeda


  • blueband
  • sagu
  • air 
  • telur ayam atau telur puyuh
  • saus atau boncabe
  • stick bambu yang menyerupai tusukan sate

cara membuat
  • tuangkan sagu kedalam mangkuk, air lalu diaduk sampai rata 
  • ambil frying pan yang berbentuk bundar oleskan frying pan dengan blueband biarkan sampai panas setelah panas masukan telur lalu goyang-goyangkan frying pan agar telur ke sisi lain
  • masukan sagu, kecilkan kompor lalu goyang-goyangkan fryin pan agar sagu rata ke setiap sisi, diamkan sebentar lihat sagu seperti berbuih-buih
  • kemudian ambil tusukan atau stick sate lihat setiap sisi agar tidak lengket
  • masukan saus atau boncabe
  • cari bagian yang kira-kira yang bisa lengket kemudian gulung  
  • matikan kompor sajikan

selamat mencoba

resep membuat omurice


  • daging ayam bagian dada 3-4 potong dadu
  • saus tomat atau saus sambal
  • bawang putih secukup nyacincang halus
  • kentang secukup nya potong dadu
  • wortel secukup nya potong dadu
  • daun bawang 1 lembar iris-iris tipis
  • nasi secukup nya
  • 1 sendok makan minyak wijen
  • 2 butir telur
  • minyak 
  • garam
  • panaskan minyak kedalam penggorengan tunggu sampai panas, masukan bawang putih tumis sampai harum, daging, kecilkan api
  • masukan wortel dan kentang nasi lalu beri minyak wijen
  • saus tomat daun bawang setelah matang angkat 
  • kocok telur beri sedikit garam, minyak goreng tunggu sampai panas lalu masukan kedalam frying pen yang bundar ratakan ke sudut-sudut sisi frying pan
  • setelah matang angkat
  • taro telur diatas piring lalu masukan nasi kedalam telur lalu gulung 
  • diatas nya bisa di taro sesuai topping
selamat mencoba